Press kit  high-resolution film stills

If you click on a picture, a high-resolution copy of it will open in a new window.
They may be used on the condition that the publication in which they appear refers to the work of Mendel Hardeman & Susanne Dick. For questions, please contact them – see here.

Movie still from The Sea of pilgrim Antonio : Many ancient tunes would be lost if Landinho Pé de Bode (72) didn't play them.

Landinho Pé de Bode (72)

The Sea of pilgrim Antonio - Maria Altina (92)

Maria Altina (92)

Movie still from The Sea of pilgrim Antonio : Pilgrimage during the Great Drought

Pilgrimage during the Great Drought

The Sea of pilgrim Antonio - The drought is dreaming of the sea

The drought is dreaming of the sea.

Movie still from The Sea of pilgrim Antonio : Otacila (70)

Otacila (70)

The Sea of pilgrim Antonio

The Sea of pilgrim Antonio

The Sea of pilgrim Antonio - banner image

The Sea of pilgrim Antonio – banner image

De Zee van pelgrim Antonio - poster met tekst (Nederlandse versie)

De Zee van pelgrim Antonio – poster met tekst (Nederlandse versie)

Das Meer des Pilgers Antonio - Plakat mit Text (deutsche Version)

Das Meer des Pilgers Antonio – Plakat mit Text (deutsche Version)

The Sea of pilgrim Antonio - poster image without text

The Sea of pilgrim Antonio – poster image without text